0 avis
Musique audio
Conflict | Anthrax | Karma Sutra | Moet The Poet | Sub Squad | Chaos | Stigma | Toxic Shock | Vex | Exit-stance | Poison Girls | Know The Drill | Death Zone | Lost Cherrees | Sixteen Guns | Icons Of Filth | Mad Are Sane, The | Hagar The Womb | Divers
Edité par WARNER / Mortarhate - 2022
18 piste(s)
Conflict | Anthrax | Karma Sutra | Moet The Poet | Broken Bones | Subhumans | Uk Subs | Legion Of Parasites | The Varukers | Staglag 17 | Rubella Ballet | The Partizans | Insane | Existance | Poison Girls | Icons Of Filth | The Mad Are Sane | Hagar The Womb | The Lost Cherrees | Potential Threat | Sacrilege | A.o.a. | Fallout | Oi Polloi | Aod | Divers
WARNER / 13th Moon Recordings : 2021
Ex Pistols | Lost Cherrees | Icons Of Filth | The Anti-nowhere League | Conflict | Poison Girls | Toxic Shock | Death Zone | Anthrax | Divers
WARNER / Cherry Red Records : 2022
Conflict | Flux Of Pink Indians | Crass | Chumbawamba | Subhumans | Dirt | Existance | Icons Of Filth | Poison Girls | Liberty | Citizen Fish | Lost Cherrees | Divers
WARNER / Mortarhate : 2021
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